A: The odometer is responsible for measuring the overall mileage or distance the vehicle has traveled. It lets mechanics know how often the unit has been used.
The odometer is typically on the dashboard. It’s in a place that’s conveniently visible and accessible so the driver can easily see the total mileage of their vehicle.
If your vehicle’s dashboard seems to lack an odometer, or if it doesn’t have a number displaying the mileage, there’s a good chance that your odometer is broken. Use your vehicle’s owner’s manual to find a way to access the dashboard and repair or replace the odometer.
Replacing the speedometer with an OEM part requires the odometer mileage to be recorded so that the replacement odometer will have exactly the same mileage. Some older replacement odometers came with a red tenths digit and a sticker that went on the door by the VIN sticker recording the mileage when the odometer was replaced.
If your odometer is broken and needs to be repaired, you need to remove your vehicle’s instrument cluster to access it. To remove an instrument cluster, you’re going to need screwdrivers, wrenches, trim removal tools, and a wedge to help remove the cluster.
To start, park your vehicle and tilt the steering wheel as low as you can. After this, remove the dashboard panel and disconnect any wires. This way, you can remove the instrument cluster safely so long as you do it slowly and carefully.
One handy tip every driver should follow before removing an instrument cluster is to keep track of where each wire and connector should go. Make a map of sorts with pen and paper to record where parts should go. When fixing an odometer, it’s important to keep track of where the wires and connectors need to go.
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