To replace the front grille on your Camry we’re here to help. You’ll need to lift the vehicle, remove the radiator cover, remove the bumper cover as well as carry out a few other steps. You can carry out this tutorial of 7 chapters in 45 minutes. Take your hydraulic jack and your 10 mm socket and let’s get started!
45 minutes
Lift the vehicle
Turn off your vehicle’s ignition, set the parking brake, pull the hood release handle and open the hood.
Loosen the stud bolts on the front wheels.
Lift the front of your vehicle. Place the vehicle on the jack stands.
Don’t forget to put the wheels under the vehicle!
Remove the radiator cover
Start by removing the plastic cover by pulling on the 9 plastic rivets using a fork.
Then remove the cover.
Remove the bumper cover
Using a multi-bit screwdriver and a 10 mm socket, unscrew the two bolts holding the grille.
Then, using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the 3 plastic rivets holding the grille.
Now you need to remove the front bumper cover.
Remove the screws and tabs holding the bumper grille
Once the front bumper cover has been removed, you can now see the screws holding the grilles.
Then, using the Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the 6 screws securing the front bumper grille to the front bumper cover.
Next, using a fork, lift the first front bumper cover grille retaining tab.
Then disengage it from the front bumper cover. Do the same on the other 17 tabs. You can now remove the front bumper cover grille.
Put the screws and tabs holding the bumper grille back
Take the new grille.
Put the front bumper cover grille back on the bumper cover.
Reconnect all the tabs. Then retighten the screws.
Put the bumper cover back
Now you need to reinstall the front bumper cover.
You can now screw the two bolts holding the grille back on. Then put the 3 rivets back in place.
Put the radiator cover back
Put the plastic cover back on, then put the 9 rivets back on.
Then, you will be able to put the wheels back on your vehicle.
Put your vehicle back on the ground before properly fixing the wheels in place.
Operation complete.