Did you know that one of the likeliest places to be involved in a fender bender is in a parking lot?
People seem to suspend their good judgment when looking for a parking space. Some people consider the traffic signs such as Stop and Yield as optional in parking lots because they are on private property and not subject to a ticket, while others ignore the traffic lanes to cut diagonally across the lot.
In a parking lot, people have their minds on everything but driving. For instance, a driver spots someone with keys in hand approaching her car and their first reaction is to dart forward to be the first to claim the spot, oblivious to the car trying to back out of a space between two vans and… well, you get the idea.
Pedestrians are equally at risk as most parking lots do not have provisions for them which means that they must walk in the traffic lanes, often with small children in tow.
Post office parking lots usually have the highest incidence of accidents. This is because they have the quickest turnover with cars parked often for less than 5 minutes.
The best way to protect yourself is to be aware of everything moving for 360 degrees around your car. Watch for cars that might be cutting diagonally across the lot and above all, drive slowly. If you find a space away from the building where fewer cars are parked,you may have several advantages:
But there are also some cautions:
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