If the break system is no bled properly after a break fluid exchange, how long will it take before your breaks fail
I have a 2020 Mazda cx5. Had a break fluid exchange. After driving approximately 550 miles the breaks failed. If breaks were not bled properly would the breaks fail immediately or after a few days. The mechanic said you couldnt get to 550 miles before failure and that the failure was caused by a leak in the Master Cylinder.
Open Jun 10, 2024 - 12:47 PM
Jun 16, 2024 - 03:23 PM
Hi there,
Your mechanic is more likely correct. A leaking master cylinder is a more probable explanation for the complete brake failure after 550 miles. A leak leads to a loss of hydraulic pressure essential for braking, causing sudden failure. Leaks develop over time, the leak could occur slowly, and the 550-mile mark might be coincidental. If you have doubts about your previous mechanic, it is better if you can check and consult another repair shop for a 2nd opinion. They can physically inspect the brake system and confirm the source of the failure (leak or improper brake bleeding).
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