Apr 18, 2024 - 08:21 PM
Hi there,
The problem covers several issues ranging from the fuel system, the ignition system, and the intake system. Here are possible causes of the sudden stalling of the engine after starting it:
1. A faulty fuel pump. A failing pump would not be able to pump fuel consistently up to the engine and may result in engine stalling.
2. A clogged fuel filter. A restricted fuel filter will restrict fuel flow to the fuel injectors causing immediate engine stalling just after starting.
3. A bad ignition coil. A bad coil will cause a weak spark or no spark at all leading to the engine stalling right away.
4. Idle air control valve issues. This valve regulates airflow to maintain a steady idle speed. If defective or dirty, it will cause the engine to stall just after starting.
Still, it is best to have your vehicle checked by a scan tool to isolate and generate a trouble code to identify the bad part. I hope this helps!
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