Why does my car sputter then die while idling and driving or stop accelerating once it reaches 2000 rpms?
My car has trouble starting but will start but then sputters and dies after a few seconds. The few times it stayed running long enough to make it 10-15 feet to get out of our driveway, it will stop accelerating once it reaches 2000 rpms. Once it does that, the car will again begin to sputter and die even while still moving. I am able to stop the car, put it in park, turn the ignition to 'off' and it will start right back up but it will just be the same cycle of events. I've been told everything short of just buying a new car is how to fix this issue. I would just like to know exactly what's causing this problem so I can finally have a definite starting point instead of all the possible starting points Im looking at now going in circles. ANY help tips info and attention is appreciated beyond what could be imagined. Thank you.
Open Mar 02, 2024 - 04:51 PM
Mar 05, 2024 - 10:44 AM
Hi there,
Here are several potential reasons why your car is having difficulty starting, sputtering, and dying for a short period after the engine is turned on:
1. A possible clogged fuel filter. A dirty filter will restrict fuel flow to the engine, causing hesistation and stalling.
2. A bad fuel pump. A faulty fuel pump might not deliver enough fuel pressure to keep the engine running smoothly.
3. Dirty fuel injectors. Dirty and clogged injectors prevents proper fuel atomization, resulting to rough idling and engine stalling.
4. Faulty spark plugs. A bad spark plug will prevent proper ignition, causing misfires and stalling.
5. Crankshaft and Camshaft position sensor issues. These sensors provide crucial information to the ECM for ignition timing. If faulty, it will disrupt proper timing, causing starting issues and engine hesistation.
6. Dirty air filter. A clogged filter restricts airflow to the engine affecting the air-fuel mixture and causing stalling.
I hope this helps!
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