Feb 10, 2024 - 09:21 AM
If your car has a no-start issue with no power, first, try using a spare key, as a faulty key fob could be the problem. Ensure the main car battery is charged and check for blown fuses in the fuse box. If the car has an automatic transmission, test the neutral safety switch by shifting to neutral. Consider resetting the security system and inspect the ignition switch for faults.
Feb 12, 2024 - 10:10 PM
Hi there,
The no-start issue even if the door locks work indicate an electrical fault somewhere or a discharged battery. Here are possible causes of the problem:
1. Check the battery using a multimeter. If discharged already replace battery or do a jump start.
2. Bad ignition switch. If it is faulty, it will not send the proper signal to the starter which is connected to the other components to initialize the starting phase of the engine.
3. Faulty starter. If bad, it will not engage properly preventing the engine from cranking.
4. Bad alternator. A defective one would prevent the battery from being constantly charged when engine is running.
5. Faulty wiring. If there is corroded or loose battery cables, that would hinder the flow of electricity between the battery and starter.
Here, this link might further help.
Feb 13, 2024 - 03:49 AM
check the wire that comes off your fuseable link it is on the positive post on ur battery and runs to your starter it will more than likely be the biggest one there ------------- wait come to thinking it can be a few more issues than that but a bad starter wire would unlock the doors but not start car look there first .....
Feb 22, 2024 - 01:32 PM
It might be a lose ground do the battery or alternator
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