Sep 06, 2023 - 01:47 PM
Hi there,
The "heat soak issue" means that the fuel is still getting hot enough to vaporize, even after it has passed through the fuel vapor filter. There are a few things you can do to fix the heat soak problem:
1. Install heat shield under the carburetor to insulate the fuel lines from getting hot.
2. Use higher octane fuel. It will vaporize in the fuel lines.
3. Avoid using ethanol based fuel. It is volatile than gasoline and more likely to vaporize in the fuel lines.
4. Use stainless steel fuel lines since it is less susceptible to heat damage than copper or rubber lines.
Here are additional tips to prevent vapor lock:
1. Keep the fuel tank full.
2. Avoid idling the engine for long periods of time.
3. If driving in hot weather, stop and let the engine cool down very 30 minutes or so.
I hope this helps!
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