Yes when it speaks of a silent starter motor can you still hear it spinning it just doesn't engage?? To theflywhee
Ignition Switch
I pulled a ignition switch out. Of a 2003 Tahoe and put it in a 2000 s 10 and there is an extra wire in the 2000 thats red w/ a line on it . it starts and then dies.
Open Aug 30, 2023 - 01:15 AM
Aug 31, 2023 - 04:44 AM
Hi there,
Upon checking, the ignition switch from the 2003 Chevy Tahoe 8-cylinder is incompatible with the 2000 Chevy S10. That is why there is an extra wire with socket connector. Please be advised it is best to consult with a certified mechanic about this since it involves swapping of parts which apparently is not a match. There are Chevy models with different years, that use the same part. But not all instances are compatible. The dealer can be the only one to confirm compatibility 100% of certain parts with different year and model, as long as it is the same make (Chevy). I hope this helps!
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