2011 mkx gets to a certain speed and then cuts back the wrench 🔧 appears and then I have to restart my vehicle
2011 mkx reaches a certain speed and then cuts back wrench 🔧 appears and I haven't to restart my vehicle what is normal a 15 minute drive is taking 45 minutes to an hour sometimes the vehicle will not restart right then sometimes it will restart what can I do to fix it is it a part that needs to be replaced or is it a fuse
Open Aug 11, 2023 - 09:37 AM
Staff Answer
Aug 13, 2023 - 09:12 PM
Hi there,
The wrench icon appearing in your Lincoln MKX's dash panel indicate potential problems. Here are the possible causes: 1. Throttle body issue. A faulty throttle body or throttle position sensor can trigger the warning icon. 2. Transmission issues. Problems within the transmission would trigger the warning icon. Problems such as poor acceleration, reduced power, and difficulty starting your vehicle are consequences. 3. Fuel delivery issues. If the fuel system (defective fuel pump, clogged fuel filter, etc.) is not supplying the correct amount of fuel, it can trigger the warning. 4. Ignition issues. A bad spark plug, ignition coil, or a faulty ignition module can trigger the warning as well. I hope this helps!
Aug 13, 2023 - 01:17 AM
Take it to the shop and have the transmission serviced ASAP or it will end up tearing it up also have the shift solenoids checked and any transmission sensors that are affiliated with it
Source: Same problem with a 05 Ford freestyle
Aug 13, 2023 - 07:19 AM
As a quality automotive technician I would recommend you take it to a reputable mechanic/technician.
It sounds like your vehicle is going into limp mode to safe guard its self against further damages.
Aug 17, 2023 - 09:31 AM
Hi there,
It is best to have a brand new replacement part, not a used part to avoid any issues.
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