high pitch noise after wheel hub assembly
wheel hub assembly was done a month ago, drove the car home when i noticed a really loud high pitch type noise. could be heard from inside the car while driving at various speed. I jacked the car up and noticed the noise when i turned the wheel right. Also when i pushed the tire in and out it could still be heard.
Open Aug 02, 2023 - 08:30 PM
Aug 03, 2023 - 06:20 PM
Hi there,
There are several sources of the problem. Here are some of the possible reasons: 1. Improper installation of the wheel hub assembly. If incorrectly installed, it could result in misalignment or improper seating, causing noise and potential damage. 2. Brake component interference. It can be due to brake rotors rubbing against the calipers or backing plate. 3. CV joint, axle assembly issue. If the axle shaft is already defective, it could emit a high pitch noise. 4. Other suspension components. The control arm with ball joint might be worn-out already. I hope this helps!
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