I just replaced the master cylinder on my 2011 Volvo S40 T5,
Abs Control Module
I Just had my master cylinder replaced with a brand new one on my 2011 Volvo S40 T5. The pedal has some pressure when the car isn't running, and it seems to be stopping okay, however when I stop at a light or stop sign and I am sitting idol it seems to still slowly go down towards the floor a bit? My mechanic seems to think it may be my ABS control modulator, any thoughts of what else it could be that I can have him look at before we change that out as well? It is extremely expensive and I can't really afford it, but wil have to save up for it and then fix it a bit later on ...if that is what the problem is?? Please help. Someone told me the other day to check the calipers to see if one is stuck or frozen? Also, if I take my car to another shop-Volvo dealer or someone like that, do they have the ability to run some kind of diagnostic on my car to determine if it is the ABS issue???
Thank you for any suggestion or input anyone can offer.
Open Jul 06, 2023 - 03:54 PM
Jul 07, 2023 - 12:37 PM
Hi there,
If you have already replaced the brake master cylinder but are experiencing a brake pedal that slowly goes down to the floor, it suggests that there may still be air trapped in the brake system lines and will require more bleeding. Check for insufficient brake fluid as well before doing the bleeding procedure. A faulty brake booster could be the least reason the brake pedal is also bottoming out. I hope this helps!
Jul 10, 2023 - 10:10 PM
Hi there,
Yes. You can ask your mechanic to do another round of bleeding to make sure there are no trapped air within the brake system.
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