My 06 H3 has a bad PCM and I cant find anyone willing to work on it not even the dealer
I replaced the PCM on my 06 H3 last year in August dealer reprogrammed it and it ran good until April of this year when it started doing the same thing as it did before the new module was installed. It turns on for a second and shuts off, battery is new, charging system is good, anti theft switch is new, ignition switch is new, cam shaft switches are new, and it still wont start. The dealer has had it for 4 months and have finally told me that they will not work on it because if it goes out again they cant afford to redo it on a warranty. First they told me that the part was no longer made when I asked if there was any after market parts they said no, so I asked why would chevy make a vehicle in shich no replasement parts were made and after paying so much money for it all I could do is watch it rust and the plastic crack to which they had no answer. I need some help.
Open Jun 24, 2023 - 09:05 AM
Jun 26, 2023 - 05:04 PM
Hi there, We do not carry a power train control module (PCM) for your 2006 Hummer H3. We only have the ECM available. Please check around for other resources. I am sure other local dealers still carry the part. You can use Google search to look up other online resources for the PCM availability.
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