I bought a 22 Cadillac XT6. It came with a rear view mirror that is dark, it has no lever at the bottom to change
It is too dark to see out of during the day and impossible at night. Is there a sensor at the base that may not be working? I really need some help. Thank you.
Open May 29, 2023 - 07:40 PM
May 30, 2023 - 07:23 PM
Hi there!
That is a brand new car, 2022? Please check the owner's manual for the factory default features and functions. That rear-view mirror might have special features, that you need to turn on or off to make it work. We do not carry a direct fit rear view mirror yet for your 2022 Cadillac XT6 for us to check the default features. But, most of the time, we only carry side view mirrors, not the rearview mirror.
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