AAMCO recently rebuilt my transmission, a week later I had a no start no crank situation.
The GMC Dealership found that the communication pass through at the transmission was not installed correctly and it had filled with oil causing a shorted communications lead from the transmission to the PCM. AAMCO is saying there is no way this is related to the rebuild.
Question, Will an oil shorted PCM Communications Cable cause the PCM to short and need replacing?
Open May 18, 2023 - 11:17 AM
Voted Best Answer
May 19, 2023 - 03:59 PM
Hi there,
If the power control module (PCM) communications cable was oil-shortened, it could cause damage to the PCM, but it does not necessarily means the PCM should be replaced. That depends on the severity of exposure to the transmission oil. Oil causes corrosion, electrical shorts, and damage to electrical circuitry and can cause the PCM to fail. If the damage is severe or not, due to exposure to transmission oil. It is best to refer to a certified mechanic or technician to assess the extent of the damage on the PCM. The technician will have an accurate diagnosis and do the best course of action if it only needs repair or replacement. I hope this helps!
Aug 15, 2023 - 01:18 AM
Hey thier,
Well for starters your battery could be out or just needs a charge, second your starter is another that could be giving you issues. AAhh before I forget check your post as well.
Let me know if any of these steps helped out.
Source: chronicwashere@gmail.com
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