I’ve got antifreeze coming out the back of my motor by the firewall, white smoke came out of the exhaust, overheat
Open Mar 26, 2023 - 09:20 AM
Mar 26, 2023 - 05:53 PM
It sounds like you may have a coolant leak in your engine, which could be the cause of the white smoke coming out of the exhaust that leads to overheating. Antifreeze leaking from the back of the engine near the firewall could indicate a damaged heater core.
I suggest having the issue resolved as soon as possible as it can cause further damage to your engine.
Try checking your coolant level, make sure it's at the appropriate level. If it's low, add more coolant and inspect for leaks. If you see any visible leaks around the engine and the hoses that carry the coolant, try to identify the source and have it repaired.
Try checking your radiator too. See if there are signs of wear and tear. If there are any visible cracks or leaks, you may need to replace your radiator as well.
Might be best to do an overall check of your engine too.
If you're not sure what's causing the problem, take your vehicle at once to a mechanic to have it inspected. They can identify the source of the problem and recommend the necessary repairs.
Mar 30, 2023 - 09:34 AM
sounds like when you ran it hot you blew a head gasket
the excessive high pressure in the water jacket caused a freeze plug thtr was corroded to spring a leak you have one in the back of each head and two in thi back of the block if this is a v8 i am guessing thih is an older year modle it would properly be cheaper to replace the engine (lkq)
Mar 31, 2023 - 01:57 PM
Sounds like you may have a blown head gasket check radiator or coolant tank to see if you have a white liquid substance if so then your oil and anti freeze is mixing and you have a blown head gasket also try turning on your car turn the fan on high with it on heat all the way if the temperature lowers then that's another way to tell if it may have a blown head gasket some cases if it not to bad you can seal it I recommend blue devil sealant also drain what's in your radiator that's a good way to see what's being out through your engine if your not to inclined on working on your car to try and diagnosed I recommend taking it to a certified mechanic shop they may tell you something else or it may be a blown head gasket they may also recommend paying a pretty penny to get it fixed and may also recommend getting rid of the car it's totally up to you with that being said car parts.com has a large variety of car parts if and things for your car to keep it running smooth and lasting a lifetime !
Apr 12, 2023 - 07:14 AM
Sounds like you blew your head gasket, happened to me once when changing my coolant in my Nissan Altima. i didn't add enough coolant and that caused the same issue for me cost $1100 for shop to fix but I suppose you could fix it yourself for a lot cheaper but more of your time
Apr 18, 2023 - 02:28 PM
Definitely have a coolant leak. You could have a freeze plug that has rusted out and is leeking anti-freeze.
Apr 19, 2023 - 01:19 PM
Most likely a head gasket but I would do a compression check to make sure you don't have an issue there.
Jun 03, 2023 - 10:08 PM
Definitely sounds like a blown head gasket!
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