2000 Ford F250 super duty 5.4L wont turn over but starter works
I have a 2000 Ford F250 super duty 5.4L. I was driving my truck on the freeway and it felt like my transmission had given out once I pulled over the truck died. I got it towed home and tried to start it and the starter was working but the motor was not turning. I took the cover plate off to check my flywheel and I can rotate it just with my hand. What could be the problem? Do I need a n new transmission? Any help would be appreciated.
Open Feb 23, 2023 - 03:16 AM
Voted Best Answer
Mar 10, 2023 - 09:35 AM
I had this happen with my old Chevy truck, and it was the alternator. The problem also drained the battery, so I replaced both and had no issues after that.
Feb 27, 2023 - 05:13 AM
Hi there, The possible causes are a weak or bad battery, an alternator problem, or a failed starter. We recommend you consult your trusted local auto repair shop for extensive troubleshooting and diagnostic. A repair shop that has all the tools to check is best to find the problem. I hope this helps.
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